KP221 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine, Anterior Superior Iliac Spine, Posterior Superior Iliac Spine

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Lab #06: lower extremity i: hip, thigh, and leg. Each coxa bone in the pelvis articulates with the single bone of the thigh, the femur. This is through an articulation called the hip joint. Weight is transferred from the femur to the leg through the large tibiofemoral (knee) joint. The patella covers the anterior surface of the knee. The leg is composed of two bones; the larger weight bearing tibia on the medial side, commonly referred to as the shin bone, and the fibula, or calf bone, on the lateral side. Femur: head, neck, greater trochanter, lesser trochanter. Patella: base, apex, medial articular facet, lateral articular facet. Tibia medial bone of leg: lateral condyle and facet (superior articular surface, medial condyle and facet (superior articular surface, intercondylar eminence, tibial crest (anterior border, tibial tuberosity, medial border, interosseous border, soleal line, medial malleolus j) fibular notch. Fibula lateral bone of leg: head, lateral malleolus.