KP161- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 87 pages long!)

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Theories are proven hypotheses, once it moves to a law it cannot be disproven and must be upheld understanding ie: hicks law is a proven theory and respected as a sound. Permanent change in a persons capacity to produce movement/motor skill as a result of practice or experience. Through repeated observations of persons performance, we can infer that learning has taken place (the individual has learned the skill) Motor learning: process involved in acquiring & refining motor skills, numerous variables that promote/inhibit acquisition, how to control said variables to ensure that people gain a certain skill. Motor control: neural, physical, and behavioural aspects underlying human movement, neural - out of persons control, based on brain development, physical - capabilities of each individual and what they are able to achieve. Kp 161: fundamental motor learning & control: behavioural - psychological & cognitive aspects.