HE101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cross-Tolerance, Active Ingredient, Compulsive Buying Disorder

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14 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Drug use: taking a drug as it was intended. Drug misuse: not following proper directions: off label drug use, using a friend"s prescription painkiller for a common headache. Set & setting are 2 factors that can influence main and side effects of drugs. Main effect intended reactions to a drug. Reason for which drug was taken (pain killer to relieve pain) Side effect unintended effects or behaviors not desired from the drug. Set: total internal environment when drug is take: physical, emotional factors, expectation of what the drug will be like (mindset party mode, although all individuals respond to their set; elderly are more susceptible. Often experience placebo & side effects more than others. Setting: total external environment you are in: physical and social factors, when you take the drug; If surrounded by group of friends/noise drug produces a greater effect. If alone in a quiet place, soft music drug will be mellower.