HE101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Muscle Tone, Headache, Soft Palate

74 views13 pages
14 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Can be caused by mother"s lifestyle (and be transmitted to the fetus) May result from diluted blood vessels within the brain, underlying organic problems or excessive stress & anxiety. Generally caused by muscle contractions/tension in the neck or head: this tension can be caused by actual strain placed on neck/head due to overuse, static positions for long periods of time, or tension triggered by stress. Triggers: alcohol (red wine), lack of sleep, menstruation. Treatment: otc meds (pain relievers such as tylenol, aspirin), relaxation massage, music. Pulsating pain on one side of the head (behind or around 1 eye), dizziness, nausea, intolerance for light & noise. Hemicranias (half of head) 70% unilateral. Excruciating pain that lasts for any period of time typically 4 to 72 hours. Some migraines can lead to temporary visual impairment: in 20% of cases, migraines are preceded by sensory warning sign known as aura (flashes of light, tingling, blind spots)