GG101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Downburst, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere

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Life cycle of midlatitude cyclone: cyclogenesis: low pressure wave cyclones develop and strengthen, usually begins along polar front, where cold and warm air masses converge, open stage: eat of low pressure center, warm air begins to move northward, while cold air advances southward to the west of the centre, occluded stage: faster moving and denser cold front overtakes the warm front, wedging beneath it. Earth"s mantle (250km 2900km) lower and upper mantle represent 80% of earth"s volume rich in oxides of iron and magnesium and silicates: dense and tightly packed at depth lower mantle is denser and contains a mixture of iron, magnesium, and silicates upper mantle consists of 3 parts, upper mantle, asthenosphere (70km 250km): plastic layer; contains pockets of increased heat from radioactive decay and is susceptible to slow convective currents in the hotter, less dense materials, lithosphere: high velocity zone just below crust where seismic waves.