GG101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cold Front, Polar Front, Humidity

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5 Dec 2014

Document Summary

Earths dimensions: it is wider than it is in vertical axes, as it spins, the mass is extended in the horizontal way. Longitude: the earth is rotating, and it rotates once in 24 hours. 360 degrees: goes 15 degrees every hour. Maps, scales, and projections: learn some of the projection names *** Latitude: is the angular distance (n or s) of the equator, measured from the center of the earth. Longitude: angular distance (e or w) of a point on the earth"s surface, measured from the center from the earth. Are 101 km apart at the equator and decreases as you go towards the poles. Solar constant: hot surfaces, radiates very short wave length, the earth, which is 15 degrees, radiates much longer waves (infa red , ***the geometric relationship between the sun and the earth, and secondly, the processes of atmosphere filtering. The positions also equal the illumination of northern and southern hempsphere.