ES295 Study Guide - Final Guide: Adventure Travel, Sustainable Tourism, Ecotourism

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ES295 - EcoTourism
Module 1
Involves the observation and appreciation of wildlife and other aspects of natural environment while minimizing the
related ecological or sociocultural costs
Mergence of Ecotourism
Ecotourism existed as both a concept and a practice long before the coinage of the term in the mid-s
Elizabeth Boo put the first definition of tourism and is was:
o Tourism that consist of traveling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with the specific
objective of studying and admiring the scenery as well as the cultural manifestations found in these areas.
Jafari 4 phases of tourism
Mass tourism era
’s ad ’s was the advocacy platform
o tourism was regarded as an ideal activity that resulted In many positive consequences for destination (few
o Benefits
Revenue, employment, indirect revenue, employment multiplier effect, history, stimulation of
Early ’s the cautioary platfor
o Negative consequence of laissez faire mass tourism became more evident
o Tourism eventually results in net negative consequences for destinations unless careful regulations are put
in place
o Direct and indirect revenue flows to weak economies, these are eroded by leakages related to imports
o Inter-cultural conflict is a problem in mass tourism
o Butles S ue
Destination begins in the exploration stage
Involvement stage
Development (where environmental and sociocultural thresholds exceeded) this leads to stagnation
and decline
Adaptacy Platfor ’s (table on page 5)
o Close to cautionary platform
o Efforts to propose and implement tourism options that are more positive outcomes for destinations
o (Alternative tourism)
early forms include home stays, cultural villages, vacation farms (no focus on natural environment)
where the emergence of ecotourism i s ae out
o Alternative and mass tourism seen as ideal types
o B s thee as a ealizatio that alteatie touis ould ee e oe the a loalized solutio
Knowledge Based Platform
o Emergence of the sustainable development paradigm, takes ito osideatio a destiatios
environmental and sociocultural carrying capacity.
o Can be alternative or mass tourism
Definitions from pages 6 to 8
Blamey had three core criteria of ecotourism
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o A dominant nature-based element in the attractions (descriptive)
o An educational or learning component (Value)
o A requirement of sustainability (Value)
Tourism (bracket on page 9)
o Leisure/holidays, business, or friends
o Leisure holidays and education are what qualify the ecotourism
o Tourism involves a spatial component
o Further differentiated on basis of time
4 categories of tourists
Domestic Excursionist
o Travel to a destination within country
Domestic stayovers
o Stay a min of one night
International Stayover
International excursionist
o Cruise ships
Focuses on some specific component of the ecosystem
Elemental approach, the ecotourist is more interested in a rare species of flora than the broader ecosystem
o Charismatic Megafauna
Dolphins, pandas, eagles, lions
Mammals, then birds, reptiles and invertebrae (in order) of popularity
o Megaflora involves plants and trees
o Megaliths involve volcanoes, escarpments, and caves
Associated cultural Component
o Secondary role of cultural attractions
Very difficult to differentiate between the cultural and natural components of the land (indigenous cultures that have
lived on the lands for millennia)
Some Ecotourists want to receive a highly structured interpretation of the product
o May come from live expert commentary, signage
Some ecotourist want the informal interpretation by simply observing the nature
Another dimension of learning is motivational, and considers the degree to which the ecotourist wants to be
immersed in the product
o Shallow end (participant satisfied with simple entertaining info)
o Deep end (broad understanding that may go beyond the focal ecosystem, climate change & globalization)
Pre-experience interpretation is important as it influences the decision to visit particular destinations
On site interpretations
Self-guided walks
Car tours
Walking tours with commentary
Tundra buggies
Cableways, submarines
o Interpretation centers can provide a substitute for actual exposure to attraction and reduces negative impact
on the environment
Effective interpretation on page 13 points (bottom)
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Sustainable development
o Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs’
Closely linked to the knowledge based platform
o Accommodates the sustaining of the environment as well as continued development
Environment and socioculture
Ecotourism should be locally oriented so it benefits the residents
Status quo sustainability or enhancement sustainability
Status quo: objective is to maintain
Enhancement sustainability is done when the environment must experience a new benefit as a result of
Monitoring and Implementation Issues
What extent should operators be responsible for the indirect and induced effects of ecotourism
How far and long effects be considered
Cause and effect relationships
There is no standard indicator for measuring the sustainability of the ecotourism
Short term budgets sometimes inhibit the long term projects
Financial Viability
Some operations are managed on a non-profit basis, and financial viability
Most operations will go out of business if they are not financially sustainable
This consideration focuses on consumer satisfaction as a means of ensuring revenue flow through repeat patronage
and positive word-of mouth advertising
Form of tourism that fosters learning experiences and appreciation of the natural environment. It is managed in
accordance with industry best practice to attain environmentally and sociocultural sustainable outcomes as well as
financial viability
o Form of tourism
o Attractions nature based, but includes cultural resources
o Education and learning outcomes fostered
o Managed so environmental and sociocultural sustainability outcomes are more likely achieved
o Importance of financial viability recognized
Minimalist ecotourism
Shallow or superficial learning opportunities in conjunction with wildlife, and sustainability objectives that are status
Comprehensive ecotourism
Focuses on entire ecosystem
Encourages deep learning, as well as behavior transformation
Enhancement sustainability approach
Nature based tourism
Tourism that relies on attractions directly related to the natural environment.
o 3 s tourism (Sun, sea, sand)
o ecotourism is a subset of this
o wildlife tourism
o captive tourism (aquariums, zoological parks)
o extractive tourism (hunting and fishing)
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Document Summary

Involves the observation and appreciation of wildlife and other aspects of natural environment while minimizing the related ecological or sociocultural costs. Inter-cultural conflict is a problem in mass tourism: butle(cid:396)(cid:859)s s (cid:272)u(cid:396)(cid:448)e, destination begins in the exploration stage, development (where environmental and sociocultural thresholds exceeded) this leads to stagnation. Criteria: blamey had three core criteria of ecotourism, a dominant nature-based element in the attractions (descriptive, an educational or learning component (value, a requirement of sustainability (value) Tourism (bracket on page 9: leisure/holidays, business, or friends, leisure holidays and education are what qualify the ecotourism, tourism involves a spatial component, further differentiated on basis of time. 4 categories of tourists: domestic excursionist, travel to a destination within country, domestic stayovers, stay a min of one night. Associated cultural component: ceballos-lascurain, secondary role of cultural attractions, very difficult to differentiate between the cultural and natural components of the land (indigenous cultures that have lived on the lands for millennia)