EN372- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 91 pages long!)

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30 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Know major periods of english history- identify major linguistic changes which distinguish each: note external factors which influence movement (norman conquest) 10 marks. Know and explain major sound shifts (great vowel shift, 1st sound shift, and 2nd sound shift) Major causes of language change and an example: not all of them, know maybe one internal conscious and one external unconscious. Explain major differences in oe and mode: inflected vs word order. Essay q: choice of 2 questions: describe the roles and/or voices of women in the anglo-saxon literature explored this term. 2 main differences: loss of the use of the reflexive form, loss of the use of impersonal verbs ad the rise of the it . Reflexive is seen in emode examples, such as: i. In mode examples such as: j, pronoun will appear with the self. very rare and found in small places (nfl)