CS101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Forego, Data Mining, Middle Power

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Ms terror ship - found a ship that sunk, aboriginals knew it was there the whole time. Four characteristics of comm studies : critical sensibility, cultural policy focus: defense against foreign media dominating canadian, orientation towards social justice: making world better with media, interdisciplinarity: comm studies looks at other issue in science, cultural studies etc. W1: hamilton, considering critical communication studies in canada and. Assumption that is it based more on quantitative and empirical research. Assumption that is based more on qualitative and theoretical research. Conducted in the service of a public or private admin agency. Sees media as useful tools to be harnessed for corporate/agency/govt goals. Sees media systems in general as something in need of study/scrutiny. Solves small problems but does not look at big pictures. Paul lazarsfeld (1941) - remarks on critical and administrative communication research" - founding father of cs. Todd gitlin: admin research is wrong; asks the wrong type of questions.