CS100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Electrical Telegraph, Submarine Communications Cable, Alexander Graham Bell

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24 Feb 2016

Document Summary

Protestant reformation (greatest positive forces in educational reform movement (school/literacy)) Luther"s 95 theses/spread the word/university based effort to transform the curriculum but then circulated. Printing press and vernacular (regular writing (less formal)) important developments of the reformation. New forms of expression and mass production flourished: made growing market economy (profit started when brought to one place, reprinted and sold to other town and cities) Had to learn to find true sources and censoring in publishing was necessary. Power of word/ posters / writing pieces spread even more, even for illiterates (woodcuts and copper plates) Being literate was a universal prerequisite for spiritual preparation. Four types of preprint comm networks: 1. Printing press gave rise to periodical publications (events, info of political and commercial character) Once railroads built in 19th century time for delivery was shorter. Periodical publications in second half of the 16th century, but beginnings usually traced to the 17th century w some degree of reliability.