CC210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: The Great Impostor, Impulsivity, Elder Abuse

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8 Mar 2013

Document Summary

The exam will cover lectures, videos and readings from the course text book for week 5 through to the end of psychopathy (week 8) Multiple choice questions (40 questions, 1 mark each) Short answer questions (3 questions, 5 marks each) You will have the full class time to complete the mid-term examination and it will be worth 20% of your final grade for the course. The mid-term examination will be in the same classroom as the lectures. You are expected to be familiar with all material covered in the course up to the end of. Week 8 this includes material from the readings that were not discussed in the lecture. Study tip 1: the emphasis on this exam, like the last one, is on lecture-based content, slides, and class discussion. Study tip 2: good preparation and comprehensive study notes are the key to success for the short answer questions.