[CC210] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (12 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Intentional act/omission that is legally defined as a crime. Crime is defined in a manner broadly agreed upon by society. Crime is determined by socially powerful groups. Definitions of crime promote + maintain social dominance. Antisocial behaviour (habitual) serious beh. that is harmful to victims, the perpetrator, + society: maladaptive, violates personal rights, social standards, may not violate criminal laws. Violence: intentional act of threatened, attempted, or actual physical harm directed against a non-consenting person. Instrumental violence: use violence to achieve unidentifiable goal. Planning associated w/planned acts of violence. Emotional arousal absence of emotional arousal. Relationship to victims associated w/victims who are strangers or have distant existing relationships w/perpetrator: reactive violence: committed in response to frustration or perceived insult, provocation, or attack. Planning associated w/spontaneous aspects of violence. Relationship to victim associated w/victims who have close existing relationships w/perpetrator. Sociological crim: examines relationships of demographic + social variables to crime, macro theories.