[CC102] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 62 pages long Study Guide!

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29 Mar 2017

Document Summary

The public gives up certain liberties on the assumptions that the state will protect them. The requirements that governments, as well as individuals, be subjected to and abide by the law. Guarantees fundamental freedoms, legal rights, and equality rights for all citizens of. Provides protection for individuals and ensures fairness during legal proceedings. All components of the criminal justice system must conform to the charter. An act or omission that if prohibited by criminal law. To be convicted of most crimes, a person must have done something criminal and usually must have intended to do it. Li stabbed mclean on a greyhound bus because he believed mclean was coming after him. The body of law that deals with conduct considered so harmful to society as a whole that is prohibited by statute and prosecuted and punished by the government. Only law can define crime and punishment, and laws cannot be changed in the middle of the game.