BU288 Study Guide - Final Guide: Conscientiousness, Satisficing, Big Five Personality Traits

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21 Oct 2013

Document Summary

Research techniques: observation a) direct observation b) participant observation, correlation. Changing an object to see what happens. Not likely to change our disposition; we are who we are no matter what: situational approach. The situation has a culture and a characteristic environment. We behave in certain ways because of the organizational setting. Everyone will follow a situation; not a product of our personalities but rather the work environment: interactionist approach. Organizational behaviour is a function of both disposition and the situation. Personality and work setting determine organizational behaviour. People flex a bit for the situation but won"t change completely. Observe and control their image/watch for social cues. Degree to which we have positive feelings about ourselves. Pa experience positive emotions and view the world in a positive light. Degree to which we initiate to effect positive change. Degree of belief in our ability to perform well in challenging situations. Learning categories: practical skills, intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, cultural awareness.