BU231 Study Guide - Final Guide: Wrongful Dismissal, Indian Act, Personal Development

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2) evaluate size and likelihood of risk. 3) decide on an action plan, look what other courts have said/decided on in the past. 5) regularly review and update the plan. Set of mandatory standards that society accepts as predictable and organized behaviour necessary for a just society. Legal tools available to force compliance with the law: civil liability: individuals force compliance- social norms, regulatory liability: gov"t standards, criminal liability: gov"t enforcement. All 3 liabilities can be attached to an action. Legislation and court decide on the laws. Values or standards of conduct considered advisable in an honourable person. Part of civil (private law) person vs person. Plaintiff/defendant: parties in the lawsuit; plaintiff is the victim, defendant is the person accused. Burden of proof: obligation to put enough evidence in front of the judge to prove what you say. Standard of proof: how much evidence is needed, Class actions: 1 lawyer, 1 outcome for several plaintiffs suing for the same claim.