BI464 Midterm: BI464-Midterm-2-lectures-9-13

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BI464 Midterm 2 Review
Lecture 9- Spices
- Spices are aromatic fruits, flowers, bark, or other plant parts. Today we
associate spices with cooking but they are also used in the cosmetic and
perfume industry.
- History of spices and perfume is intertwined
- Fragrance has the power to appease the gods, awaken the spirit, recall
memories, stir up strong emotions, soothe, inspire fantasies, awaken sexual
desires, etc
- Pleasant smells have been associated with immortality and good smells have
been used in rituals to appease benevolent spirits.
o Perfume= per fumun=by smoke
o Incense= “that which is lit”
- Spices are also powerful antibiotics and can be used a preservatives
o Used to preserve mummies
- Makeda, Queen of Shebaca 1000 BC
o Ruler of Sheba, an ancient kingdom which modern archaeology
speculates was located in present-day Ethiopia or Yemen.
o According to the Bible, Queen Sheba heard of the great wisdom of
King Solomon of Israel and journeyed there with gifts of spices, gold
(~4.5 tons!!!) and precious stones, as recorded in First Kings 10.1-13.
The queen was awed by Solomon's wisdom and wealth, and
pronounced a blessing on Solomon's God. Solomon reciprocated with
gifts and "everything she desired," whereupon the queen returned to
her country.
o ^Told by the Quran, Bible, latter by Jewish legend, Ethiopian accounts
o The majority commodity that made you rich ca 3000 ya; essentially
Sheba was considered rich due to her possessions of spices such as
myrrh, black pepper, cloves, ginger &cinnamon
- Myrrh- Commiphora myrrha (harvesting myrrh)
o Red-brown resin
o Ancient constituent of perfumes and incense, worth more than its
weight in gold; considered gifts of the Magi to baby Jesus (gold and
o Antiseptic
o Stimulant
o A preservative, a cure, and an aphrodisiac, a symbol of bliss given by
love-union: Song of Solomon frankincense an essential oil for
medicinal use
o Queen Hatshepsut (around time of Sheba)
In 1493 B.C. she sent a fleet of five ships to the Land of Punt
(God’s Land, near present-day Somalia). *1st oceanographic
o Discover and bring back whole Myrrh plants for
cultivation in Egypt (successful)
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- Egyptians used a large number of plants to create perfumes and fragrances:
almond, cedar (Cedrus spp. not Thuja!), cinnamon, citron, ginger, peppermint,
rose, rosemary, sandalwood, pine, juniper, myrrh and many more...
o Done so as aromatic body ointments and pomades and makeup
o Embalming: Body eviscerated and filled with spices. Sown up and
placed in sodium solution for 70 days. Wrapped in linen and smeared
with gum.
- Black & white pepper: Piper nigrum
o The fruit is a drupe; black pepper is the entire fruit harvested green
and dried (peppercorn); white pepper is just the pit after the external
part of the fruit is removed).
o Contains piperine
o Antioxidant and anticancer
o Accelerates energy metabolism in the body and also increases the
serotonin and beta-endorphin production in the brain.
o Pepper is a vine native to S and SE Asia and it has been used since
immemorial times.
Black pepper was known in Greece at least as early as the 4th
century BC, though it was an uncommon and expensive item
that only the very rich could afford.
By the time of the early Roman Empire, especially after Rome's
conquest of Egypt in 30 BC, open-ocean crossing of the Arabian
Sea redirect to Southern India's Malabar Coast was near
routine. In Medieval Europe, Black pepper was so valuable
that it was often used as a collateral or even as a currency.
Pepper was a major trade item during ancient Egypt, Greeks
and Romans, but also more recently in medieval Europe.
I.e. Ramsses II (c. 1303 BC 1213 BC) (mummy) also
had peppercorns of black pepper inserted in the nose.
- Ginger - Zingiber officinale
o Against nausea, dizziness, and vomiting as symptoms of motion
sickness, and vomiting during pregnancy (Gravol!).
o Antioxidant
o Gastrointestinal problems
o Anti-inflammatory
o Native to Southern Asia; the part used is the rhizome (ginger root)
- Cinnamon - Cinnamomum zeylanicum
o Used in perfumes & fragrances.
o Religious ceremonies.
o Cinnamon improves glucose and lipid levels in people with type 2
o Antiviral properties
o Cancer prevention (colon)
o One of the oldest spices known, native to India and Sri Lanka (S Asia).
The spice comes from the bark of the small cinnamon tree.
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o Pharmacological experiments suggest that the cinnamon-derived
dietary factor cinnamic aldehyde (cinnamaldehyde) activates the
Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response in human epithelial colon cells
and may therefore represent an experimental chemopreventive (used
to target disease) dietary factor targeting colorectal
carcinogenesis. Recent research documents anti-melanoma activity
of cinnamic aldehyde observed in cell culture and a mouse model of
human melanoma.
- Cloves Syzygium aromaticum
o Native to Indonesia (“Spice Islands”)
o Dried flower buds
o Clove oil (Eugenol) is used in stomatology (mild anesthetic and
temporary fillings)
o May reduce blood sugar levels
o Tellimagrandin II with anti-herpes virus properties
o Cloves were valued in China, where they were used to sweeten the
breath of court officials before they addressed the emperor.
o The peristalses plus the bud of the flower= clove
o Clove oil used in dentistry a lot as a mild aesthetic affect and semi
o Diabetes (control blood sugar levels) and antiviral properties
- Ancient spice trade routes
o The land route was called the “Incense Road
o Camel caravans carried spices from Somalia & Ethiopia and spices
from India and beyond to the Mediterranean ports of Gaza and
o Greek geographer Strabo (ca. 64 BC-23 AD): Incense road looked like
“an army in transit”.
o Pliny the Elder (Roman natural philosopher): described 65 stages,
each a suitable halt for camels.
o The desire for incense & spice had a significant impact on the early
history of world exploration, colonization and trade
o Had to explore and find these suitable routes
o So this meant that all these civilizations were able to mingle with each
other and so a lot of spices and scientific knowledge was exchanged
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