BI276 Midterm: Microbes Midterm Review

174 views7 pages
20 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Flagella: long filamentous appendages which propel bacteria: not cilia, cilia belong in eukaryotic cell (hair like not as long as flagella) and protozoans. Mot proteins= flagellar motor and fly proteins= motor switch. Taxis= movement of a bacterium toward or away from a stimulus (can be positive(towards) or negative(away)) Based on a chemotactic signal; positive (attractant) or negative (repellent) Chemotaxis= movement toward or away from a chemical. Magnetotaxis=movement toward or away from a magnetic field. Fimbriae and pili: typically found on gram-negative bacteria, hairlike projections; shorter, straighter, thinner than flagella, consist of a protein: pilin. In tracheal column you have cells that are ciliated and ones that are not, bordetella vaccination is what prevents bordetella. Fimbriae: occur at bacterial cell poles or evenly distributed over entire cell surface, few or several hundred per cell. Primary role in adherence to surfaces or other cells.