Women's Studies 2244 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pap Test, Social Enterprise, Childbirth

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Women and medicalization reissman; women as the main targets in expansion of medicine, and their health is being controlled by male, and technology- dominated medical care system. Medical practice becomes a vehicle for eliminating or controlling experiences defined as deviant to secure social norms (occurs conceptually, institutionally, and through doctor-patient interaction). Childbirth has been medicalized many different jobs related to childbirth, way to gain control and make profit in healing market, fallacy of normal pregnancy (need science). Modern childbirth mom is alienated from comfort surrounding of home/kin participate in medicalized birth b/c pain free. Abortion = medical event, women lost freedom when abortion was made a medical procedure and made illegal. Pregnancy tests tone; effective forms of bc available before pill, but it gained popularity and companies made huge profits; most successful lifestyle drug (no meant to treat/prevent illness). The pill raised expectations about what could and should be done.