Women's Studies 1020E Study Guide - Final Guide: Wage Labour, Global Feminism, Labour Power

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Work in the global contextfeminism and the world: Women"s work experiences are shaped by multiple factors including gender, race, class and geographical location. Waged labour has not necessarily been liberating for women working in the global south. Global inequality between developed" and underdeveloped" world is largely the legacy of colonialism. Global inequality created a race to the bottom"; low wages and lack of labour laws are used to attract foreign companies. Movement of manufacturing jobs from the global north to the global south where labour is signi cantly cheaper. Factories in the global south disproportionately hire women. Women are believed to have nimble ngers" that give them a natural" advantage in factory work. Women are believed to be secondary rather than primary earners, and are thus paid less and more easily red. Women are assumed to be naturally docile and hence to make more obedient workers who are willing to put up with poor working conditions.