Women's Studies 2164A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Laura Mulvey, Judith Butler, Sub-Saharan Africa

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Fashion and performativity: fashion choices animate your body to perform/be interpreted in desired ways, link between affect and behaviour (judith butler, gender trouble, fashion does not visualize gender, but the other way around, fashion creates our identity (ex. Interdisciplinary approaches to fashion: looks at cultural codes rather than general principles, 20 ways. 20 ways of classifying fashion (1) the language of clothes: signs and symbols organized as language, fashion as an internal system, the body performs, denotation and connotation meaning and resonance of a garment, changes with time/place (ex. Denim denotation: something to cover you, connotation: why they"re wearing it: teddy boys in 1950s london symbolize rebellion and criminality, but they wear suit jackets and ties. How corsets look and change) (3) social history of dress (ex. What people are wearing and what it meant) Consumer culture: clothing and cultural formation (5) history and consumption (ex. History of recreational shopping) (6) marketing and management (7) industrial relations/political studies.