2164A- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 27 pages long!)

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In fresh lipstick linda scott criticizes the idea the feminism rescued women from fashion, and that the fashion industry was primarily designed by men, aimed at oppressing women: one part of the story, but not the whole story. Bra burners: bra burning never happened, it"s a myth, the history of fashion, beauty, and cosmetics includes a lot of women, the story of men oppressing women through fashion doesn"t quite ring true. Fashion offers women channels for self-expression and creativity. Feminist fashion can challenge the status quo: women aren"t just victims, passive consumers of fashion. Does fashion present women with a double bind: no easy choice, anything you do, you"re in trouble. Fashion as communication: the idea of signalling, for women, signalling that you"re serious about your career, an investment in an expensive briefcase, will suggest that that"s where your priorities are because that"s where you spent your money.