Statistical Sciences 1024A/B- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 21 pages long!)

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S t a t i s t i c a l s c i e n c e s 1 0 2 4 a / b. Sample: part of population we collect information from. Sampling design: describes exactly how to choose a sample from the population. Bias: errors in way the sample represents the population. Nonresponse: when individuals can"t be contacted or won"t participate. Response bias: behaviour of the respondent or interviewer alters answers. Voluntary response sample: people who chose themselves by responding to a broad appeal- biased. Convenience sample: takes members of the population that are easiest to reach- unrepresentative. Random sampling: uses chance to select a sample. Simple random sample (srs): every individual has the same likelihood of being selected. Stratified radom sample: group into strata then have a srs in each sample. Cluster sample: grouping people and using an entire group or multiple groups but not others as the sample.