Statistical Sciences 1023A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Simple Random Sample, Randomized Experiment, Academic Journal

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To conduct a statistical study properly, one must: get a representative sample, get a large enough sample, decide whether the study should be an observational study or randomized experiment. Data: information collected through numbers or other pieces which has meaning attached. The two most common sources for statistical studies are academic conferences and scholarly journals. Academic conferences: held annually, in which researchers share information with others. Downfall: there is unlikely to be a corresponding written report by researchers, so it is diffilcult for researchers to obtain further information. Scholarly journal: reporters routinely read these journals when they are published, and get press releases. Pitfalls encountered when asking questions in a survey: deliberate bias. Phrasing questions to obtain a certain answer: unintentional bias. Questions worded where the meaning is misinterpreted: desire to please. Desire to please the person asking the question. Understate responses about undesirable social habits: asking the uninformed.