Sociology 2235- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 82 pages long!)

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Family is the most important social institution that we have. In comparison to now, the family now functions different; you now don"t need a husband and wife to have a family. Despite the change in functions, family will continue to exist, however it may look differently. We need to study family because it has a significant impact on our society and organizes our lives. People who you love/they love you, trust. People who teach you and are role models. Extended family members (i. e. grandparents, aunts, uncles) Perception of extended family is based on how the individual was raised. Fictive kin (known as family friends, or friends of your parents) it is beginning to become more important due to increased mobility of families. Common law or co-habiting couples and their children. There can be multiple definitions of family, however when it comes to privileges there must be rules (i. e. blood connection in order to add someone to your insurance benefits)