Sociology 2233 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fundamental Attribution Error, Scientific Method, Social Cognition

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People will engage in justifying past behaviour" in order to preserve self-esteem. People may distort their perceptions of reality. The social cognition approach: social cognition is a cognitive approach to social psychology, the study of how people think about themselves, the social world; more specifically, how people select, interpret, remember, and use social information. Week 2: methodology: how social psychologists do research. Social psychology: an empirical science: empirical research allows to test the validity of personal observations, social psychology relies on three types of methods: observational, correlational, and experimental. Involves systematic observation and measurement of behaviour: a drawback to the observational method is how some behaviours only occur in private. Involves systematically measuring the relationship between two or more variables calculating the degree of association between two or more variables. The variable that is manipulated by the researcher the variable that is presumed to cause the change in the other variable.