Sociology 2206A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Desroches Island, Laziness, Twin Study

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Ex. , # of violent movies increases, level of violence must increase: time order: proposed cause must precede the effect in time. Ex. , you would have to show that the increase in watching violent movies came before the raised level of violence: non-spuriousness: alternative explanations for the correlation observed must be ruled out. Spurious: false or illegitimate: common source is a variable that influences cause and effect. Idiographic, description of people studied is based on empathetic understanding: after choosing a design, the researcher must choose a method for collecting data, questionnaire, interview schedule, participant observation. Criteria for evaluating social research: reliability, quantitative researchers are concerned with whether measures of social science concepts are reliable. 3 types: measurement/construct validity: applies to quantitative research. Refers to whether the indicator measures what it is supposed to measure: internal validity: relates to causality. It is common to refer to proposed causes as independent variables and the corresponding effect as the dependent variable.