Sociology 2206A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Interval Ratio, List Of Statistical Packages, Eugenics

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Everything strictly follows a script (wording, tone, manner) Same questions (stimulus), asked in the same way to everyone > bias free answers. No unexpected data - questions from the interviewer only. Can you assume that the respondents all answered the questions in the way you intended? (confusion, ambiguity) Less time consuming - can interview more people. Allowing people to fully express their opinions and feelings - autonomy. More exible, allowing for sudden changes to your interview questions (emergent data) Interviewer needs to bring the discussion back to topic if it diverts. The researcher says much less than the participant. The interviewer can never passively listen because they need to absorb and analyse all the content. After deciding on the research question to be addressed, two further decisions are required. Contacting someone in a position of power. Some individuals are more dif cult to interview than others. A written plan for your interview (guidelines)