Sociology 2205A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Null Hypothesis, Descriptive Statistics, Interval Ratio

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Statistics a set of mathematical techniques used in (social research to organize, manipulate and analyze data: most suitable numerically represented information, cases are individuals/objects we study. Data numerical information, often ran and unorganized. Variables a characteristic of a statistical unit under observation: traits that vary from case to case. Independent variable input/cause, may vary between units and can be manipulated: causal or explanatory, x . Dependent variable results/effects, outcomes: y . Iv=highly educated individuals dv=less likely to experience mental health problems. Discrete a basic unit of measurement that cannot be subdivided, only take on finite number of values, counted units recorded as whole numbers: ex. number of cars, siblings. Continuous infinite subdivision of scores, within the limits of its range any value is possible: ex. time, height, temp. Nominal scores are labels only, not numbers: mathematical operation permitted, compare relative sizes of categories.