Sociology 1020 Study Guide - Final Guide: Gender Identity, Moral Panic, Inclusivism

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True/false: auguste comte is the founder of sociology, according to conflict theory, major patterns of inequality produce both stability and social change depending on the circumstance. Fill in the blanks: according to conflict theory: __________ are dominant and own the means of production, while the. ___________ are the workers: macro-level analysis includes _______________ theory and __________theory. A theory that uses both micro and macro-level analysis is. _____________ theory: radical ____________ want to overthrow patriarchy and replace it with female power, ________________ is the systematic study of human society. Multiple choice: at the end of the 19th century, durkheim claimed that suicide is shaped by which of the following? a. Individual desperation: anomie when committed in private, altruism when committed in public, social forces. Involuntary status: ascribed status, what a person is expected not to do. Multiple choice: according to the functionalist perspective, social institutions perform vital functions for society.