Sociology 1020 Study Guide - Exogamy, Consumerism, Information Revolution

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20 May 2014

Document Summary

Sociology: looking at the world in a different way. Theories of social relations between individuals and groups. Auguste comte: saw it as a new way to look at the world; helps to guide society and heal its problems. Positivism = understanding societies using scienti c methods. Levels of analysis: biography: who you are and your own experiences; human agency - ability to act, milieu: community; placement; gemeinshaft = sense of belonging, history: society and its structures. 4 theoretical paradigms: structural functionalism: created by durkheim. Both dysfunctions and functions serve a purpose; they work together to maintain an equilibrium. Structures: stable patterns of social behaviour (ex: culture, gender, social hierarchy, age) Institutions: subsystems of enduring patterns of social relationships (ex: religion, family, school) Manifest functions: stated, conscious functions of institutions, intended aspects of societies (ex: manifest function of school = education)