Sociology 1020 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cutting Class, 18 Months, Double Standard

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The family is a social institution that units people in cooperative groups to oversee the bearing and raising of children. Marriage- a socially approved, presumably long term sexual and economic relationship between a man and a woman involving reciprocal rights and obligations between spouses and between parents and children. Kinship - a social bond based on blood, marriage or adoption. Family unit - two or more people who are related by blood, adoption, marriage or some other form of extended commitment and who reside together. Nuclear family- one or two parents and their unmarried children - this is no longer the majority. Extended family- nuclear family plus other kin this only accounts for 2. Endogamy- marriage between people of the same social category - this is a rule in our culture about marrying within your group. Exogamy- marriage between people of different social categories. Propinquity- spatial proximity - 60% of people marry within 20 blocks of where you live.