Sociology 1020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Modernization Theory, Gender Identity, Groupthink

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Document Summary

Sociology: scientific study of social behavior of groups, individuals and society. Fold wisdom: anyone can succeed if work hard enough: wright mills reflective thinking-> question is key. Awareness of relationships between individual and society (cid:448)ie(cid:449) o(cid:374)e"s o(cid:449)(cid:374) so(cid:272)iet(cid:455) as a(cid:374) outside(cid:396) Sociology is a social science not natural science. Closer to god = better outcome in life (people believed but not true: industrial revolution. Theoretical science and systematic investigation of behavior needed to improve society. 2 competing forces in society: social static (remain same, social dynamic (promote change) Ways sociologists view society: functionalism: order, consensus (macro) Have to follow expected ways of life. One fails all fails: conflict theory: competition, status (macro, symbolic interactionism: symbols, meanings developed (micro) Society must provide/ supply social needs in order to survive. Independent solutions need to compliment / support each other. Family division of labour -> conflict when try and do others work.