Sociology 1020 Final: SOC1020 - FINAL EXAM COMPILATION NOTES

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Definition of sociology the study of social behaviour and relationships. Explains why members of some groups behave differently than members of other groups. Modern development of sociology is due to the: Both lead to changes and growth of trade and cities as well as a new organization of work. Auguste comte credited by some as the founder of sociology. Emile durkheim society was like the human body: various segments work for the whole. Karl marx societies are founded on power, coercion and conflict. Function: social arrangements exist because they benefit society. Equilibrium: stability based on balance among parts and consensus. Development: progress through differentiation to develop new forms and their integration. Behaviour and attitudes depend on how people construct their social world. Mead: people interact by strings of symbols, e. g. , language. Blumer: people act toward things on the basis of meanings those things have for them. Game theory: what one chooses depends on what others choose.