Sociology 1020 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Nuclear Family, News Values, Parental Leave

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Increase in delaying marriage and living with parents to continue education. No more nuclear family, more diversity: same sex, mixed culture, single parent, etc. 2 main changes: divorce rates have raised (1925 less then 1%, today 38% divorce by 30th anniversary), Families have become smaller, women delay children b/c of education etc. (1921 women had 3. 5 children and in 2009 it was 1. 67) Families: families are sets of intimate social relationships that people create to share resources and to ensure their welfare and that of their dependents. (prefer broad definition because of implication on gov. policy. Don"t want people to be denied benefits if they fall outside the definition of the policy) Compassionate care program- helps care for ill family members. The definition of familiy members that help would be given for excluded grandparents, siblings, in-laws, same sex partners and extended family.