Rehabilitation Sciences 3061A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Occupational Therapy, Combatant Status Review Tribunal

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Rehabilitation Science 3061B Occupational Therapy
Geriatic Mental Health: OT Role
Emerging Role
Behaviour Support within Geriatric Mental Health programs
Dementia it is the #1 caregiver difficult reported
Challegig Behavious/ Resposive Behavious
o Aggression
o Exit seeking
o Restlessness
o Shadowing caregiver
o Resisting or refusing personal care
o Sexual behaviour
What are Responsive Behaviours?
Due to iustaes elated to the peso’s oditio o a situatio i his o he
Behaviours are an attempt to express distress, solve problems or communicate
unmet needs
They can be minimized through interventions based on understanding the
perso ad adaptig the eviroet or care to satisfy the idividual’s eeds
Patient and clients to express stress, solve problems in their own way
Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) Project
o Collaboration between: MOHLTC, Alzheie’s “oiety, and Otaio’s LHIN’s
o Goal: To enhance services for seniors across Ontario, their families and
caregivers who live and cope with responsive behaviours associated with
dementia, mental illness, addictions and other neurological conditions
Behavioural Response Team
Mobile teams that provide assessment, consultation and intervention for
responsive behaviours
Support clients and caregivers in their homes, retirement, or LTC homes
Interdisciplinary team
Based within community agencies (i.e., LTC homes)
Direct phone line: anyone can make a referral
Urgent response: 2 hour response, 7 days a week, 24/7
BSO Guiding Principles and Framework
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