Psychology 3950F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Karl Popper, Thomas Kuhn, Paradigm Shift

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Science as induction: facts are observed & recorded, analysed, compared & categorized, generalizations are inductively drawn as to the relations (empirical regularities) btwn them, further research is either inductive or deductive, employing inferences from previously established generalizations. Induction: inference of a generalized conclusion from instances: deduction: inference in which conclusion follows from general or universal premises. Facts acquired through observation (induction) laws & theories. Overall model: observation is always affected by prior theoretical & conceptual commitments: Thomas kuhn: the structure of scientific revolutions (1962): argues that science evolves (not logically linear) through. Until anomalies are so strong as to precipitate a paradigm shift or revolution. A new normal science paradigm" is est"d & process begins again. Implies a conception of science as a social activity. Chapter 1: ren descartes & foundations of modern psych. Influences of the ancient greek philosophers (circa 400-300 bce: empiricism (e. g. , aristotle) vs. rationalism (e. g. , plato): knowledge derived from exp.