Psychology 3780F/G- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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Social thought: how we think about ourselves and others. Social influence: the invisible force that allows us to be persuaded by others to do some things and not others. The lab: any place or space that allows psychological research to be carried out in a highly controlled manner, as to avoid extraneous variables/distraction. Basic research: conducted for knowledge, for its own sake. Applied research: conducted for a specific problem; aim is to answer multiple questions and statistical significance is important for finding practical relationships/effects. Disadvantage: dissimilar from everyday experience, so behaviour may not be the same. Critical thinking: analyzing and evaluating thinking with a view to improve it; self-directed, self- disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective. ); consider the quality of arguments and evidence. Always try to think of a better explanation for the observed evidence. Don"t jump to conclusions consider the possibility that there may be something else going on.