Psychology 2720A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Social Dominance Orientation, Stereotype Threat, Claude Steele

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Final notes: prejudice: the dark side of intergroup relations. Prejudice: negative affective prejudgment about a group and its individual members: more affect based. Discrimination: negative treatment of a group member simply because of their group membership: actual treatment in behavior. Sources of prejudice: the why" and the how". Majority groups are typically attributed to more positive stereotypes and higher status. Relates to implicit attitudes strongly rooted in associative processes of social information. May have a particular implicit association but express other things consciously. Implicit association tests: match words with categories: faster rt = stronger implicit association. Attempt to negate the negative inferential stereotypes about first nations people. Portraits of people with straight faces and smiling. Smiling: positive talks about contributions and roles in society. Reduced negative stereotypes of first nations people at explicit level, not implicit: smiling faces counter the stereotype but the straight faces still affirm the stereotype.