Psychology 2720A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Realistic Conflict Theory, Ambivalent Sexism, Stereotype Threat

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Conformity : any change in behaviour caused by other person/ group (most general concept) Compliance: a change in behaviour that is requested by another person or group. Obedience: change in behaviour that is ordered by another person or group: norm of obedience to authority: more obedience when the order comes from some in a powerful position. Informational influence: desire to be correct and obtain valuable information (caused by accuracy motivation: normative influence: to gain rewards or avoid punishment (caused by social motivation) Accuracy motivation: desire to make accurate judgments (observing, copying) Answers influenced by other: solomon asch: line judgment, richard crutchfield: crutchfield apparatus (11 lights/switches in reality controlled) Conformity: greater when task is ambiguous and difficult, increases with larger groups and in collectivist cultures than individualist cultures and women more than men. Terror management theory: conformity to social values and cultural worldviews can serve to protect people from death anxiety.