Psychology 2075 Study Guide - Sperm Competition, Ejaculation, Negative Relationship

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14 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Sperm competition occurs when sperm of two or more males concurrently occupy the reproductive tract of a female. Fertilization by proxy mating males penis translocates the sperm of another male into reproductive tract. Sperm competition has been an important selection pressure during human evolution. Is an intrasexual competition that occurs after the initiation of copulation. We have competition between males for mates and for fertilization. Men will develop techniques to beat out rivals sperms anatomical, physiological, psychological. It is extra-pair copulations by females 9out of relationship) that drives sperm comp. Sperm competition tactics: minimize conception risk in cases of infidelity. Differential paternal investment: allocate paternal investment prudently in case of infidelity conception. These 3 tactics are used to help prevent fertilization by competition in case of cuckoldry. The size increases in animals with more sperm competition. The human testes are about 0. 08% of our body weight. The number sperm recruited into a given ejaculate is not constant.