Psychology 2032A/B Quiz: Antisocial PD (APD) and Psychopathy

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Negative lack of shame/remorse/anxiety, doesn"t learn from mistakes. Positive merely an act to manipulate others, superficially: psychopathy: charming, predates apd diagnostic criteria, mask of sanity hervey cleckley, criteria focuses on person"s thoughts and feelings *poverty of emotions (positive and negative) Impossible to learn from mistakes due to lack of anxiety. Etiology: most research done on those convicted as criminals, use different measures (apd vs. psychopathy) Inattentiveness to threats when pursing a goal deficits in regions of prefrontal cortex involve in attending to negative information during goal pursuit: lack of empathy especially difficult to recognize fear in others. Etiology: neurobiological factors, highly heritable (60%, lower serotonin function general dysregulation. Biological diathesis: emotional dysregulation in the child great demands on the family invalidation by parents through punishing/ignoring emotional outbursts by child to which parents attend emotional dysregulation of child. Interpersonal relationships disturbed by lack of empathy, arrogance and envy, self- centeredness: overly reactive to criticism, seeks out higher-status partner.