Political Science 1020E Study Guide - On Liberty, Natural Abundance, Distributive Justice

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An introduction to political philosophy 10/23/2012 10:03:00 am. Political power includes the right to command others, and to subject them to punishment if they disobey. A political philosopher must determine the correct balance between autonomy and authority; determine the proper distribution of political power. Central government, local government, the police, the law courts. Strong government is essential to ensure that we do not lapse into the war of all against all. In the absence of government, human nature will inevitably bring us into severe conflict. In reference to the theory of motion, we are always searching for something, never at rest. Human being seek felicity , continual success in achieving the objects of desire. In the search of felicity, we are brought into war. Our fear of death brings human beings to create a state. To be assured of achieving felicity one must become powerful. Everyone s natural, continual, attempt to increase power will lead to competition.