Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Final Guide: Brian Barry, Human Power, Human Nature

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Ideologies: liberalism, conservatism, socialism, fascism, feminism, liberation ideologies, ecologism, radical islamism. Aim to shape social change (a level accessible to the normal person- of the people) 4 main functions: explanation, evaluation, orientation, political program. Fundamental equality of all human beings: inequality is an artifact (something we create), liberal wants to defend equality. Every doctrine should be open to critical scrutiny (no idea is sacred including religion)- idea of the free press, free speech. No religious dogma can reasonably be held with certainty- in history there was one religion that held all the power; no necessarily atheistic, but secular in the way that a certain religion may be wrong, not everyone agrees. Hobbes- only individuals and their rights matter, however, non liberal outcome. Locke- influence on english and american revolution; natural rights- life, liberty, property; to defend individual rights, and the state"s job is to protect those rights. Paine- government is a necessary evil; evil because it is coercive.