Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Final Guide: Industrial Revolution, Cultural Conservatism, Sayyid Qutb

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Poli sci exam review december 6th 2012. Exam content lectures from oct 23, all of ball and dagger expect chapter 2, wolff ipp. Chapter 6, wolff ethics and public policy chapters 3-7. Systems of ideas with histories (ideologies are hard to define, always changing, systems of interconnected ideas) Should be able to answer these four questions for every ideology: explanation, Ball and dagger every ideology has a particular interpretation of freedom. Fundamental equality of all human beings: inequality is an artifact. Every doctrine should be open to critical scrutiny. No religious dogma can reasonably be held with certainty. Medieval europe & the reformation (origin of liberalism, long before the world liberalism was made in spain in the 18th century) Liberalism in england, america and france (revolutionary idea, glorious revolution in. England, american revolution and 1789 revolution in france) Hobbes, locke, paine, jefferson and the french declaration. Spencer"s neo-classical liberalism (state is as small as possible, minimalist)