Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Primus Inter Pares, Presidential System

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Prime Ministers
Most of political executives van be classified as parliamentary executives. Differs from
presidential ones. Parliamentary executives three features:
- A separate head of state (monarch or nonexecutive president) is needed to fulfil
ceremonial duties and acts as focus of loyalty, because executive power is
derived from the assembly and closely linked to party politics.
- There is no separation of the personnel between legislature and executive as in
presidential systems.
- Executive is directly responsible to the assembly, or lower chamber, because it
survives in government only as long as it retains confidence of assembly.
In short: parliamentary executives are forced togovern in and through assemblies,
while presidential executives tend to rely on a persona mandate and an independen set
of consituttional powers. More collective decision-making.
Prime minister (NL) are head of government whose power is derived from their
leadership of the majority party or coalition in the assembly. Less power than executive
presidents. Most important is control of patronage, the ministers.
Two key sets of prime-ministerial relationships:
- With cabinet, individual ministers and government departments > primus inter
pares. Power is reflection of degree to which cabinet management and control of
the machinery of government they can ensure that minister serve under them.
Party leadership.
- With his/her party and assembly and public.
Key is in position of party leader. Degree of party unity, parliamentary strength of
prime’s party and authority vested in the assembly are important determinants of
prime-ministerial power.
Prime-ministerial power has increased in recent years. Because media and
personalities. Brand image. And international summitry more important.
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Document Summary

Most of political executives van be classified as parliamentary executives. A separate head of state (monarch or nonexecutive president) is needed to fulfil ceremonial duties and acts as focus of loyalty, because executive power is derived from the assembly and closely linked to party politics. There is no separation of the personnel between legislature and executive as in presidential systems. Executive is directly responsible to the assembly, or lower chamber, because it survives in government only as long as it retains confidence of assembly. In short: parliamentary executives are forced togovern in and through assemblies, while presidential executives tend to rely on a persona mandate and an independen set of consituttional powers. Prime minister (nl) are head of government whose power is derived from their leadership of the majority party or coalition in the assembly. Most important is control of patronage, the ministers. With cabinet, individual ministers and government departments > primus inter pares.