Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Collective Action, Liberal Democracy, Methodological Individualism

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This is how we think political science should be approached (the favoured approach according to the textbook) Governing institutions and the structures and agents that control them. Formal political science" (this is a highly controversial statement - institutions are not the only definition of politics) Liberal democracies the standard (the idea of authoritarian regimes is almost extinct) and liberal refers to a specific type of freedom in voting/being part of the political process. National government - legal duties (required, for example, to tell you when they spent state money/go to war) Legal > duties - in law, actors, responsibilities. Position > person that occupies it (eg. president of the united states - the position of the american president is more important than obama) The role long-term = trust / reliance. Institution shapes behavior: benefits/opportunities = interests individual behavior. Logic of appropriateness = institutional norms that develop - president bush and.