Physiology 3120- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 52 pages long!)

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The movement of molecules due to their random thermal motion: unless they are at absolute zero, water moves at 2,500 kph, glucose moves at 850kph, slower because it is a much larger molecule. Molecules move from areas of high concentration to low, this is the driving force: molecules spread out until chemical (dynamic) equilibrium is reached (no net movement, once there is no concentration gradient there is no more net movement. Diffusion distance: diffusion is not efficient over long distances . Time exponentially increases as the distance increases: thus travelling long distances is incredibly inefficient. O2 takes 7 hrs to go 1 cm! *cells are within 25-50 m of blood vessels: this works since this is not a super long distance. Yes: vasoconstriction or vasodilation, cells can getting bigger, make more capillaries so more cells can diffuse, angiogenesis: the production of more blood vessels (occurs with exercise)