Physiology 2130 Study Guide - Axon Terminal, Vulgate, Membrane Potential

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Nerve and muscle cells are considered excitable because they can use resting membrane potential to generate an electrochemical impulse called an action potential. Considered the language of the nervous system -cells communicate with one another using this. Cell body (soma) control center contains nucleus and all necessary organelles required for cellular activity. Dendrites- receive incoming signals increases surface area to communicate with other neurons. # varies depending on where in the nervous system it is located. Jumping of the action potential from node to node increases speed of transmission down the axon o. Collaterals branching of the axon near the terminal end - increases the number of target cell with which the neuron can interact. Terminal bouton (axon terminal) swelling at the end of the axon collateral contains mitochondria and membrane bound vesicles containing neurocrine molecules chemicals here facilitates transmission of the signal across the synapse to the target cell.