Philosophy 2080 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cephalus, Polemarchus, Thrasymachus

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Explain the three definitions of justice by cephalus, polemarchus and thrasymachus in the republic. A rich, well-respected elder of the city: host of the group. Justice: living up to your legal expectations and being honest: following the law, represents the attitude of an older businessman. Socrates" response: justice is more than fulfilling legal obligation and being honest: example: returning a weapon to a criminal/madman. Legally the weapon belongs to him, so you must return it to him. It is unjust to give a weapon who will use it in a violent manner. Justice: you are to help your friends and harm your enemies: you owe help to your friends and you owe harm to your enemies . Closely related to cephalus" definition of justice: represent the attitude of a younger businessman, in both definitions, we have the responsibility to give to others what is due to them. Our friends are not always good people and our enemies are not always.