Philosophy 2080 Study Guide - Mens Rea, Actus Reus, Bubble Car

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Subjective refers to mens rea (the guilty mind, intention), because it talks about what is going on in the person"s mind at that time. Objective is not concerned with intention (i. e. you ought to have known better). If there is no mens rea, you should not be punished because you did not mean to do anything wrong. Normative- conduct that has normative implications; punishable conduct. Purely normative- when you do something, but the only thing you have done wrong is break the law. The only implications come from the fact that what you are doing is forbidden by law. 1: know some other thing will result, do #1 anyway, reason not to do #1 is referred to as the normatively important reason . Because you intend one thing and know the result, you therefore intend the resulting result. Oblique intention- you don"t want to kill a child, you want to separate siamese twins.